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Here is a quick guide to help you choose your poles size:


Your Height > Pole Length Centimeters 

6'4"+ (192 cm+) > 130 cm
6'1" - 6'3" (184 - 191 cm) > 125 cm 
5'10" - 6'0" (176 - 183 cm) > 120 cm 
5'7" - 5'9" (169 - 175 cm) > 115 cm
5'4" - 5'6" (161 - 168 cm) > 110 cm
5'1" - 5'3" (153 - 160 cm) > 105 cm
4'9" - 5'0" (143 - 152 cm) > 100 cm
4'5" - 4'8" (133 - 142 cm) > 95 cm
4'1" - 4'4" (123 - 132 cm) > 90 cm
3'9" - 4'0" (110 - 122 cm) > 85 cm

Please note our poles are 1.5 cm longer than the size ordered to accommodate for lower grip adjustment whenever desired by the skier

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